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Stop Smoking Now

Stop Smoking with hypnosis - will it work for me?

Here is some evidence of how effective stop smoking with hypnosis can be:

New Scientist 31.10.92. page six.
The American Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy  cites a quit smoking study that showed 94% of patients that quit smoking through hypnosis were still not smoking 18 months later.

Will I remain a non-smoker? The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (1970) cites a study with 88% reporting success one year on.

University of Iowa details 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers with results that clearly demonstrate how effective quit smoking with hypnoisis really is.





Nothing to lose 

except the smoking habit


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Finally, How can hypnosis help me quit smoking? 

Are you really wanting to quit smoking? Why now? 

Studies indicate that individuals under 65 years of age are twice as likely to die of smoking related disease as are non-smokers, and for heavy smokers the chances are 3 times greater https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Oryol/sights/.


Quit Smoking with Hypnosis - it just got easier!!

Quit Smoking Hypnosis: an approach based upon scientific psychological principles. Very similar to the one-to-one approach that enjoys an 85% success rate. Hypnosis addresses your thoughts, behaviours and feelings associated with smoking.
PRICE US $31.31   UK �16.90






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