techniques with hypnosis
are many relaxation techniques but what is offered you here is the
opportunity to experience a very, very, deep relaxation of body and mind.
This hypnosis CD begins by taking you through a series of steps that lead
you through progressive relaxation to a deep physical relaxation. It
differs from many relaxation techniques in that it utilises increasing
use of hypnotic language patterns that guide you naturally into the
calmness of mind we describe as hypnosis. Relaxation with Hypnosis
allows you to acquire a very deep level of mind and body relaxation.
During this very special relaxation one's unconscious mind is open to
positive suggestions for allowing new thoughts and feelings.
Relaxation techniques that use hypnosis incorporate a natural phenomenon
that can be experienced by almost anyone. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis
with the hypnotist as the facilitator of your 'trance state'. You cannot
force yourself into hypnosis; neither can you try to go into it. Have
you ever 'tried' to enjoy good music or to enjoy a novel? Of course not,
you experience it naturally - expect something to happen, want something
to happen, allow something to happen and experience whatever you
experience - without trying.
The experience of hypnosis is one of calmness and relaxation. Although
you are fully aware of what is happening around you, you will likely
choose to pay no attention to external events. There is light trance and
deep trance, there is a highly focused inner awareness or there is that
state of neither awake nor asleep - that in between state. Regardless of
whether working with a therapist or with self-hypnosis you cannot be
forced to say anything you do not want to say. You cannot be told, by
suggestion, to behave in any way that does not fit your own beliefs.
Hypnosis or trance is a natural state, a particular state in which
something special can happen, where new learning and motivation can be
encouraged. It is also a starting point for other hypnotic interventions
such as weight loss.
this recording you will hear the gentle voice of hypnotherapist Derek Kew
with special hypnotic music by David Plotel. You are led gently, safely and
progressively into a very, very deep relaxation of body and mind. Use this
hypnosis CD on a daily basis and you will soon find you can maintain a
calmness of body and mind.
US $27.31 UK �14.99
for Weight Loss This weight loss program is divided into four
sections. Part 1 of Hypnosis for Weight Loss provides you with an
introduction CD that guides you slowly into 'the how' of the 3
following stages of Hypnosis for Weight Loss. The
second CD is a very useful resource for weight loss tips. All of the
information has been sourced from
academic research findings. For a very small minority of individuals
weight loss through dieting can lead to permanent weight loss. However, for the majority
of people diets just do not help them with long-term weight loss. Not
only do they not achieve permanent weight loss they frequently make
matters progressively worse. Research has shown that 1-year after the
start of a diet 97% of dieters were as big, or even bigger, than they
were before they began weight loss programs. Hypnosis
for weight loss is not just another diet plan. Compact disks 3 and 4 provide
powerful hypnotic suggestions for changes in your behaviours (the
things you do around food) your thoughts (you may be obsessing about
food) and feelings (what kind of emotion is connected to the 'feeling'
- anger, frustration? Any of these are dealt with gently in such
a way that your unconscious mind begins to make internal changes that
lead to the external changes you desire.
Quit Smoking (
the following may sound complicated but in practice it is simple)
Imagine a line drawn from a time
when you were younger and free of cigarettes,
and all the way through time including the present moment and into the future to a time when you are a
non-smoker again. Note the words non-smoker not ex smoker - a big difference! Now place yourself out there
on your time line in the future as a non-smoker. Visualise it, seeing through your own eyes how life is like
with this freedom that you have previously known at the other end of your time line. Then you get in touch
with every sensation you can - your feelings, thoughts the things you do
differently and how your body feels now that it is fitter. Then place everything you have of that into the
present moment on your time line. Then take a long slow deep breath appreciating the clean cleansing inward
breath and then slowly breath out telling yourself how relaxed you are. That
is just one of a few simple yet very effective exercises you can do whilst you are experiencing
self-hypnosis. After you have used the Stop Smoking with Hypnosis recording you will be able to practice
self-hypnosis without the stop smoking recording and use it for any other future orientated
Improve your Self-Esteem This
programme is comprised of two compact disks. The first recording provides a large source of self improvement
text. This text includes a variety of self-help practical exercises designed to challenge your existing
self-beliefs i.e., what you believe you can and what you can't do. The second compact disk contains
three hypnosis recordings Track 1 is a gentle safe hypnotic induction. Use this a number of times before
playing the other two tracks. The reason for this is that each time you practice hypnosis there will be a
qualitative change as you learn to take yourself into hypnosis comfortably and easily.
Recording #2 makes reference to the past and childhood but it does not ask you to go back to early memories.
The content is one of metaphor intended to 'challenge' you into accepting the possibility that your internal
assumptions - responsible for your low esteem - may be incorrect beliefs you have of yourself.
Finally, track 3 is an ego strengthening hypnosis recording. The emphasis is on suggestions for well-being,
calmness and confidence. From time to time you will hear a special emphasis placed upon the word "now". Tell
yourself that each and every time you hear the
hypnotherapist's voice and the word "now" the very last tension will flow out of your body and mind.
However, this will only happen when it is appropriate for it to happen. At any time you are involved with
anything that requires your full conscious attention the word will mean nothing more to you than it has ever
done in the past.
Management Comprised
of three compact disks,
the first of which is a 20 minute recording that defines and helps with a
thorough understanding of what we mean when we describe stress. The
second CD provides a large text resource that would be impractical time-wise
to be an audio recording. This information is divided into the teaching to
handle text from several different perspectives including the so called
cognitive behavioural aspects of stress management. Here the emphasis is upon
looking toward restructuring your style of thinking. Developing
assertiveness and time management skills. The final CD contains three
hypnotic recordings. The first of the three teaches your body and mind to
remain calm, relaxed and confident during those times when psychological
demands are being made of you. The second recording is a 7-minute guided
imagery and finally 20-minutes of suggestion for meditation. All are
designed to compliment each other so there are no hard and fast rules of
what you 'should' be doing - you will find your own level and then practice
each day.
Attacks Unless
they have experienced severe panic attacks it is difficult for most people
to understand the extreme disabling fear. The very first attack is frequently
without any previous experience of such �strange� feelings. This is
followed by an ongoing dread of further attacks thus beginning an apparently
never-ending circle of fear and dread.
of three compact disks this programme
addresses the thoughts feelings and behaviours involved in your panic
attacks. It includes several therapeutic recordings designed to help you
both understand and control your anxiety. The content is based on clinically
proven methods.
conditions There is clear
anecdotal and scientific evidence that stress can trigger or aggravate skin
conditions such as psoriasis. Hypnosis has been cited in
several published case reports as being helpful. Also patients receiving relaxation tapes
responded twice as fast to medical treatments compared to those that
received only medical interventions.
Although there is an obvious difference between the different dermatological
conditions no attempt is made to isolate them hence the use of the
generalised label Skin Conditions. These recordings are derived from the
background knowledge of the psychological influences that result in the
formation or aggravation of the various skin conditions. This product
includes two recordings to be used on a daily basis. Do
not expect an immediate change but one that is progressively seen over a
period of 3 � 4 weeks. However, you will need to use the recording
frequently. Daily use would be ideal. Use Track 1 each day for a week and
then use track 2 each day for a further week. After this use whichever
recording you feel is the most appropriate for you.
Mood elevator This
recording is specifically intended for mild levels of low mood It seeks your
inner depths of creative self-healing. Just 15-minutes each day is all
that is required of you to bring forth your own self healing. The emphasis
is with bright crisp healing energy moving forward with comfort and ease.
Allowing ever increasing confidence whilst your inner mind chooses those
things you want to attend to - not the past but a future that pictures
greater psychological and physical well-being. For
any form of low mood/depression you should always consult your doctor before
following any alternative or complimentary interventions. This recording
addresses mild levels of low mood and incorporates suggestions aimed at
increasing and strengthening confidence and general well-being.
Sleep An
aid for sleep...the end of the day finds a mind racing with thoughts about the
things that were not done yesterday or today and the things that have to be
done tomorrow. Important thoughts and unimportant thoughts flowing across and through
the mind like falling leaves from the trees. Blown across the surface of the
mind, first in one direction and then another..Sleep
- At the End of The Day is about calming such thoughts and
keeping your mind focused on NOTHING.
Feedback from clients has indicated a
50% chance that this recording
will help with difficulties of
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