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 Agorophobia - Anxiety - Panic Attacks

Unless they have experienced severe panic attacks it is difficult for most people to understand the extreme disabling fear.The very first attack is frequently without any previous experience of such strange feelings. This is followed by an ongoing dread of further attacks thus beginning an apparently never-ending circle of fear and dread достопримечательности Брянска.
This CD addresses the thoughts feelings and behaviours involved in your panic attacks. It includes several therapeutic recordings designed to help you both understand and control your anxiety. The content is based on clinically proven methods.

PRICE US $49.96   UK 26.99

Symptoms of a Panic Attack

The symptoms of a panic attack can include a sense of wanting to run away but not knowing where to run (or from what). Heartbeat increases, feeling weak and wobbly, sweating, chest pains, hyperventilation (over breathing) these are just a few symptoms of a panic attack.

A panic attacks can effect anyone given the right conditions. In the USA approximately 2.4 million people each year experience a panic attack.

Although a panic attack is not dangerous they are usually extremely scary experiences. This is largely because a panic attack produces the perception of not being in control and perhaps even the sense that one is 'going crazy'. Sometimes a panic attack can lead to other related situations such as a phobia of going far from home.

There are three factors involved in the initiation of a panic attack: a) there may be genetic influence making the individual susceptible to panic attacks. However, it does require certain situations to exist before a panic attack is triggered; 2) It can also be biological in origin and finally 3) psychological factors where perception of stressful event are perceived by the brain to be threat to the individual's existence.

A panic attack is very natural response of the autonomic nervous system but triggered at an inappropriate moment.

 Heavy read: In-depth description of Panic Attacks (you may get bored)



Panic Attacks CD